Aviron: Is Gamification the future of rowing machines?

Aviron Rowing Gamification main

Aviron by Aviron Interactive

4.5 stars

Price when reviewed: From $60.00 /month.


We all know how important exercise is for keeping us healthy, but it can be hard to stay motivated, especially if we exercise on our own. But a new wave of technology-based fitness apps and exercise equipment has come along to change all of that by turning exercise into a game.

The Aviron Interactive Rowing Machine is a great example of all of these gamification elements in one package.

Why is rowing great to stay fit?

Getting on a rowing machine can do wonders for your health and fitness. Here are some of the reasons why!

1) It’s low impact

We all know that running is great for improving your cardio fitness and helping you to lose weight, but if you are worried about the impact on your weight-bearing joints (such as your knees), then running may not be the best exercise for you.

Rowing is the perfect low-impact exercise. The weight is taken off your weight-bearing joints, and you use your own body weight to complete the rowing movements you need. It can be done by anyone from any fitness background, no matter what your size and age are.

2) It’s a whole-body workout

Trying to make sure that you work all of your muscle groups evenly can be quite a challenge, but you don’t have to worry about that with rowing. It uses every muscle group in your body throughout the exercise, so you can be sure that you are getting a complete workout every time you get on the machine.

3) It has a high-calorie burn

If you are trying to maximize your calorie burn, efficiency really is key. And with rowing, you can expect to burn between 250 and 400 calories per half an hour, depending on your size. If you compare that with running, which burns between 200 and 500 per 3o minutes, you can see that they are pretty much equivalent.

4) It is also a strength exercise

Everyone should be including some strength exercises into their fitness regime, as well as cardio. It can help maintain your bones and joints, improve your mood, prevent age-related loss of muscle mass, and ease the symptoms of some chronic diseases. It can also help you to lose weight because muscle requires more calories than fat. So the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn even when you aren’t exercising!

Gamification as the new trend in fitness machines

Gamification in fitness is massive, and it is growing all the time. In a nutshell, gamification applies game mechanics to non-gaming situations. But why is this such a big deal with fitness? It is amazing at keeping you motivated.

We have all had the experience of playing a fun game and completely losing track of time. The idea of gamification in fitness is to create that situation but while you are exercising. Keeping going for that little while longer or fitting in that extra workout can make a huge amount of difference to your fitness, and gamification has proven to be incredibly effective at helping you to do that.

You have probably come across gamification in fitness, perhaps without even realizing it. Some examples include:

  • badges
  • leaderboards
  • challenges
  • points
  • competitions
  • social networking

And then, of course, you have clear examples where games are completely built into the app or fitness equipment. So all of these elements and the ability to sync to your wearable technology mean that the apps or equipment can use data to create these gaming environments, personalize your workouts to you, and give you that motivation that you need to keep going.

How the Aviron Interactive Rowing Machine is reinventing the future of fitness

No piece of equipment does gamification better than the Aviron Interactive Rowing Machine. It brings in every element of gamification that you could want to make your rowing experience as fun, engaging, as addictive as it can be.

Virtual environments

You can row through a variety of stunning virtual environments that make you feel like you really are there. Being immersed in your environment can help you stop focusing on time and enjoy yourself, which will help you keep going for longer.


The guided workout programs can help you maximize your workout’s efficiency, and the clear and detailed way that the data is displayed on the screen can help you keep track of your goals and stay motivated.


Humans are competitive by nature, and the Aviron Rowing Machine really helps you tap into your competitive side. Of course, you can compete against other people in your online community, but the way it’s displayed on the screen is really clever. It almost looks like an old-school racing game, with avatars of your competitors on the track in front of you (or behind!). And there are loads of different racing options to choose from.


And if you’re looking for a game to play, you can hop on your Aviron Rowing Machine and play a game for real. Again, there is a variety to choose from, which will see you escaping wolves, zombies, the Kraken, and more. And the graphics are great fun!

Pros vs. Joes

If you’ve ever watched a competitive rowing event and thought, “I could do that,” now is your chance to see how true that is! This game sees you competing against some of the best of the best on some amazing courses.


Keeping track of your data and metrics is a key part of keeping yourself motivated, and the Aviron Rowing Machine displays all of the information you need so that you can see just how far you have come.


  • wide range of games, competitions, and performance tracking options
  • smart adjustable strength training
  • space saving and quiet
  • monthly payment options and a 30-day risk-free trial


  • relatively expensive for a home rowing machine even though is is possible to pay monthly installments
  • need to pay a membership fee on top to access all of the functions

To wrap up

There is a reason why gamification is taking the fitness world by storm. It is incredibly effective at keeping us motivated and making us want to start a workout and keep doing a workout for longer.

The Aviron Interactive Rowing Machine is the perfect example of integrating these gamification elements into a piece of fitness equipment and doing it right so that you will never have a boring workout again!

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