Best smart thermometers for 2025

Various methods are available to measure the body temperature. We present to you what we think are the best smart thermometers to use in 2021.

smart thermometer

Tracking your body temperature has never been so important to hunt for early signs of COVID-19. It is hard to find a shop or restaurant where a systematic temp check is not performed before getting it. The technologies they use are often far from accurate, and the results must be taken with a grain of salt.

At home, various devices and methods are available. An increase in temperature is the first sign of an infection. It means that the immune system is fighting.

Digital thermometers have gone a long way from the standard mercury ones we used, I used, in my childhood. Thermometers are getting smart and connected. They even offer apps that keep track of the whole household and upload anonymous data to the cloud for easy sharing with the doctor.

Measuring the body temperature can be done in many different ways:

  • Forehead thermometers record the heat coming off the temporal artery. They are easy to use and accurate. Non-contact ones are a solid choice for quick readings.
  • Ear thermometers measure the infrared heat radiating from the eardrum. They are accurate as the eardrum shared a blood supply with the brain and core body.
  • Classic thermometers measure either the oral (mouth), axillary (armpit), or rectal temperatures. They need to be adjusted.

Rectal temperature is the most accurate but can be challenging to measure. Most parents will prefer using digital ear or forehead methods, which are also accurate when done correctly. Temps estimated in the armpit are the least accurate.

We selected three digital smart thermometers that combine convenience and accuracy. There is no bad choice and bad surprise to expect from any of those. They will diligently help you keep track of your temperature and stay healthy.

Best overall

Kinsa smart Thermomer

Best for ear

Braun Thermoscan 7

Best for forehead

iHealth PT3

Kinsa smart ear thermometer

Best overall

The Kinsa smart ear thermometer is hands-down the best thermometer you can get in 2021. Suitable for babies, children, and adults, accurate, easy to use with a temperature reading in just one second, and really smart with its associated app, it is difficult to find a weak point. Even its price is very reasonable considering all it has to offer. No need to mention that the Kinsa ear thermometer is FDA cleared.

Smart ear thermometer by Kinsa

4.5 stars

Price when reviewed: $39.99


This blue ear thermometer is made of BPA- and latex-free plastic to avoid any risk of allergy. Well designed with a large 1.2-by-1.0-inch monochrome LCD screen, the Kinza ear thermometer only weighs 3 ounces with the 2 AAA batteries included.

The ear thermometer can be used with or without pairing to the app, even though we strongly recommend to pair it with the iOS or Android app to make it truly smart. Once three bars appear on the screen, the Kinza is ready to measure the ear temperature in less than one second.

Contrary to other brands, Kinza uses a smart ear probe that doesn’t need a cover. Just make sure that the ears are free of earwax and the probe is clean to get accurate readings. The Kinza ear thermometer is FDA cleared and meets both the ASTM and ISO standards required for professional temperature measurements. Just make sure that both the probe and ears are clean and that the probe is positioned correctly to get accurate readings.

Kinsa app for smart temperature management

The Kinza thermometer connects seamlessly by Bluetooth with the iOS or Android available app. The temperature readings will also synchronize with HealthKit and HealthApp to easily store the data in a single place. Depending on your temperature, age, and symptoms, the app will provide personalized advice.

Several profiles can be stored within the app to keep track of the temperature of other family members. Being able to share the evolution of fever with your physician is a valuable feature to check on the disease’s progress and the effectiveness of the treatment.

Kinsa thermometers and Covid-19 tracking

Eight years ago, Kinsa developed internet-connected thermometers to track seasonal flu nearly in real-time. Readings are anonymously recorded, and the data are freely available to researchers and healthcare governmental agencies. The more people use the thermometers, the better the accuracy.

The data are used to pinpoint the ongoing outbreak and to predict the spread of the virus. This information can prove very valuable for healthcare officials to coordinate resources and for the general population to know more about the potential risks in the area where they live. Kinsa even launched a dedicated website accessible to the general public to check the local illness risk.

Braun Thermoscan 7

Best for ear

The Braun Thermoscan 7 is the latest model developed by Braun. It combines all of the expertise of this company in a single product. An exclusive guidance system ensures proper positioning in the ear. The probe is even warmed up. Reliable and easy to use, the results are color-coded depending on the age. Offering a built-in memory and several profiles, the Braun Thermoscan 7 is a no brainer choice for those looking for the best ear digital thermometer.

Thermoscan 7 by Braun

4.5 stars

Price when reviewed: $46.73


Braun is one of the most famous brands in the world of digital thermometers. The Thermoscan 7 is their flagship product and is undoubtedly one of the best on the market when looking for a reliable ear thermometer. By gently warming up the tip, the measure’s accuracy will not be influenced by a cold tip getting in contact with the ear.

The need for disposable lens caps is a way of ensuring hygiene and limit cross-contamination. The only drawback is that you have to make sure that you always have extra ones available. Additional disposable covers come in a box of 40. We recommend buying one extra box that should measure the whole family’s body temperature for a long time.

All of the expertise of Braun is found in the Thermoscan 7. Powered by 2 AAA batteries, this ear thermometer offers unique features such as the guidance system for proper positioning in the ear canal, the large color display that will illuminate in different color depending on the temperature measured, and the age precision technology.

What will be a normal range temperature for adults will be a fever for babies. The Braun Thermoscan screen will illuminate in different colors depending on the age and the temperature. This digital thermometer is perfect for babies and toddlers. Actually, the first Braun thermometer I bought was for the birth of my first child. I never regretted the purchase.

iHealth No-Touch Forehead PT3

Best for forehead

The iHealth PT3 does not come with many perks but is packed with sensors to provide an accurate temperature reading measured on the forehead without contact. The combination of accuracy, striking design, and price make the PT3 a solid choice when looking for a no-touch forehead digital thermometer.

No-touch Forehead PT3 by iHealth

Price when reviewed: $29.99


The iHealth PT3 is a no-contact forehead thermometer. While this method is not considered the most accurate one, the PT3 measures 100 data points and even takes the environment and the distance between the probe and the forehead into account to deliver accurate readings. In just one second, the results are displayed using a bright LED matrix, which adds to its futuristic design.

Ideal with children or to use in settings where hygiene is critical, and contacts are to be avoided; the iHealth PT3 is powered by 2 AAA batteries that allow more than 3,000 readings. The design is quite futuristic and could have been seen in more premium brands such as Withings.

Well thought of, the PT3 will indicate that the temperature has been recorded by vibrating and will not risk waking up your children or babies by emitting a loud beep.

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